Digital Wave Background

Welcome to a World of Data Excellence

A Leader in Data

Meet Taguma Nicholas, MSc. a TEDx Speaker and transformational leader with over a decade of experience in Analytics, Data Stewardship, and Master Data Management. She has made a name for herself, helping organizations reach new levels of profitable streamlined success.

Unlocking Insights | Powering Decisions | Transforming Futures

Businesswoman Writing Notes

Bringing Data to Life

In an ever-evolving landscape of data, Taguma emerges as a beacon of expertise and innovation. Rooted in a passion for unraveling the intricate stories hidden in data, her journey has been a tapestry of experiences across diverse industries.

Taguma's industry certifications and technical skills reflect her profound knowledge in the fields of:

• Data Science

• Data Visualization & Analytics

Data Warehousing

• DevOps

Testing & Automation

Taguma’s diverse professional background makes her a strategic partner in your quest for excellence. Taguma Nicholas holds a MSc. in Business Analytics and Data Science, and a BSc. in Business Administration and Management from Oklahoma State University.



Oftentimes it feels like barriers are broken by a few exceptional individuals, but much like everything else, it takes a village -- a group of people who believe that change is necessary and lift us up so we stand on their shoulders. With that, I feel a duty to not only pay homage to those that came before me, but to be a lighthouse for those to follow. Understanding that leadership comes with great scrutiny and therefore takes great courage.

My goal is to make it so the barriers that constrain me will not be the same barriers that constrain those that come after me. I want to build upon the aspects I enjoy most about my work -- leveraging data assets to gain competitive advantage and leading cultural change that enables a more strategic approach to data. As a woman in a male dominated field, it is important for me to be a champion -- especially for minorities in STEM.

Navigating the Data Landscape with Four Core Competencies

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Data Strategy & Governance

Creating strategic roadmaps that guide organizations toward data-informed decision-making. Establishing frameworks for data access, usage, and compliance.

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Innovation & Learning

Staying current with emerging technologies and industry best practices. Implementing feedback loops to continuously improve data processes and outcomes.

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Leadership & Communication

Building cross-functional partnerships and global teams. Transforming strategy into actionable insights. Developing and mentoring early career professionals.

Big Data - Data Analysis

Data Modeling & Analytics

Driving business value through the creation of enterprise-wide scalable solutions. Ensuring data quality and consistency, maximizing the value of data assets.

What others Say

"Taguma’s dedication to this field illustrates her strong moral character and tenacity. She has been recognized for her ability to synthesize complex information into digestible chunks that are not only easy to understand but also apply."

— DEIA Advisor, federal Government

"Taguma is willing to take on complicated problems and tirelessly drive them to completion. I admire her passion for learning new skills and applying novel perspectives toward project success. She is a strong and thoughtful leader."

— Principal consultant, opentext CAN

"Taguma is a problem solver. Her ability to navigate uncertainty by asking the right questions, active listening to discussion, and coming back with solutions has been critical to project success."

— Techincal Product manager, kohler co

"Taguma has a rare capacity to ’connect the dots’ between seemingly unrelated data points and weave them into a focused path towards realizing critical business goals."

— operations manager, Direct Energy LP

Industry Certifications


Azure Enterprise Data Analyst


Power BI Data Analyst


Azure Data Fundamentals


Azure Fundamentals

Toolbox of Knowledge